Monday, March 16, 2009

Francesco's Notes - Lenten Music

Q: How is Lenten liturgical music different from music for the rest of the year? 

Francesco:  Well the two obvious things are that we don’t sing the GLORY TO GOD (GLORIA) or an ALLELUIA. Since Lent is traditionally a penitential season we always sing some form of the PENITENTIAL RITE, or as it is now called the ACT OF PENITENCE. So, the choir sings KYRIE ELEISON (Greek for LORD, HAVE MERCY) set for choir by such composers as HANS LEO HASSLER (Renaissance period), W.A.MOZART (Classic period), or FLOR PEETERS (20th century). I try to choose music that reflects our tradition and is appropriate to the current liturgical norms. We also sing some special versions of the AGNUS DEI (LAMB OF GOD). Both the KYRIE ELEISON and the AGNUS DEI are litanies of supplication, asking God for mercy and peace. I like to think of LENT as a journey toward the great mystery of the PASSION, DEATH, and RESURRECTION of Jesus. As far as the other songs, most are about our journey with Jesus’ through this paschal mystery. For example, JESUS WALKED THIS LONESOME VALLEY and I WANT JESUS TO WALK WITH ME. Lent is also a time of taking inventory (Prayer), a time to CHANGE OUR HEARTS if we’ve lost our way. Lent is a time to remember that GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD that we need to sacrifice so that other may live (Fasting and Almsgiving). It’s a good time too not to lose hope and remember that God does HOLD US IN HIS MERCY.


  1. Can you post audio here? Wouldn't it be super cool to be able to hear some of the music done by St. Mel's groups?!

  2. We can definitely post audio. In fact, we're looking into podcasting (audio and/or video) which will take some time to set up but we're heading there. The Multimedia Ministry is on board.

  3. Would love to hear audio of some of the music from St. Mel's.

    Gay Sample Greene
    Associate Director of Music
    St. Therese of Lisieux Catholic Church
    Cleveland, TN

  4. Francecso records the Parish Choir every Sunday. We will post some of our music very soon.
