Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hear Ye the Town Crier

Just like the Town Crier of old, let everyone know that an amazing, special event is coming to St. Mel in December. "Hear Ye, Hear Ye!" or "Listen up!"

During the medieval times, many English towns had an official called a "Town Crier", whose job was to stand in public and shout, or "cry" official announcements. To attract attention, he would ring a bell. Town criers were the center of communication as most people were illiterate.

The Town Crier usually carried a Scroll, on which was written the proclamation or announcement of the day. After proclaiming the news, he would post the scroll on a wall for those who could read. Interestingly enough, town criers were not always men. In fact, many town criers were women.